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Immunity and Chiropractic


It is well established that the nervous system controls and coordinates all functions and systems of the human body including immunity and the immune system. Consistent with this simple maxim of human physiology, many chiropractic practitioners, researchers and trade associations hold that the impacts of chiropractic adjustment on the nervous system can confer overall salutogenic benefits in people undergoing chiropractic care.

Indeed, for well over a century, chiropractors around the world have accrued a significant body of collective clinical and research experience establishing that patients under chiropractic care often experience health improvements not limited to simple musculoskeletal complaints or resolution. Chiropractic adjustments do reduce pain and inflammation, however they do so by improving neuro-immune-regulatory function.

Chiropractic involves removing obstructions to the nervous system caused by structural spinal shifts. These structural spinal shifts are referred to as vertebral subluxations in the scientific literature. Because the nervous system controls and coordinates all functions and systems of the body, these obstructions not only interfere with how the nervous system functions but may also have detrimental effects on the functioning of the immune system. 1813 Immune benefits

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