The two female patients reported on in this case series were both suffering from premature ventricular contractions. One patient had been dealing with symptoms for over 2 years, going through several rounds of testing and doctor visits to no avail.
The other patient was an older female who had been experiencing PVC’s multiple times a day following a stroke. With no prior heart disease history and several rounds of testing, she was still searching for answers.
The chiropractor examined both, took x-rays, and found structural shifts in their neck, mid and low back. These structural shifts can lead to obstruction of the nerves and it is this obstruction, called vertebral subluxations, that chiropractors correct. Other testing confirmed the areas of subluxation.
The women were adjusted by the chiropractor and experienced improvement in the PVC and all other symptoms. The study’s authors called for additional research to investigate the clinical implications of chiropractic in this population of patients.
Resolution of Premature Ventricular Contractions after Undergoing Chiropractic Care: A Case Series. Marie Hoying, DC. Annals of Vertebral Subluxation Research ~ June 24, 2019 ~ Pages 83-89
Arrythmia Facts
Premature ventricular contractions, PVC, are extra heart beats that happen before a normal heartbeat, in the ventricle, lower chamber of the heart.
These extra beats are caused by an issue within the heart’s electrical system. Failure of the lower chamber of the heart to relax will lead to these PVC’s happening more often.
Premature ventricular contractions are the most common type of heart rhythm dysfunction. In healthy people, it is considered not threatening as most people do not have any symptoms.
In those with a known heart condition, a PVC can make life more complicated by putting the person at a higher risk of sudden death.
Physical stress, emotional stress, caffeine, alcohol, and some cold medications can intensify the PVC’s.
Some symptoms may include but are not limited to dizziness, lightheadedness, a pounding feeling in the neck, heart racing, flutters, or skipping a beat.
Testing to confirm a PVC include an electrocardiogram, ECG, or a Holter monitor, which will record heart rhythm for a few days.
Management will depend on the cause of the abnormal rhythm and can include medication or an ablation.
An ablation is a procedure performed to destroy the tiny part of the heart that is causing the heart’s electrical system to misfire. In some cases, an ablation is not needed.